
Projectile Motion

1. Projectile Motion : 
 For vertical displacement,
y = usinθ t - ½gt2……………… (i)
For horizontal displacement,
X = ucosθ t
t = x/ucosθ …………………. (ii)
From equation (i) and (ii)
y = usinθ.x/ucosθ – ½g(x/ucosθ).
y = x tanθ - g/(2u2cos2θ)
is similar to y = ax + bx2 so the path of projectile is parabolic.
2. Time of flight (T) :
T = 2usinθ/g
Time of ascent and time of descent are same i.e. t = usinθ/g.
3. Maximum Height (H) :
H = u2sin2θ/2g.
4. Range of Projectile (R) :
R = u2sin2θ/g.
Rmax = u2/g.
5. Maximum height for the projectile with maximum range :
When a projectile is fired at an angle of 45° then,
Rmax = u2/g.
For maximum height
Rmax = 4H
6. Two Angle of projection for same horizontal range :
A projectile is fired from ground with velocity u at an angle of θ = with horizontal then
Range (R1) = u2sin2θ/g
For another angle of projection for same range with same velocity will be
Horizontal range (R1) = u2sin2θ/g
= u2/g.sin(180°- 2θ)
= u2/g.sin{2(90°- θ)}
= u2/g.sin2θ= R2
θ and (90°- θ) are the two angle of projection for a projectile with same range with same velocity.
7. Velocity and direction of projectile at any height :
The horizontal component of projectile remain constant through the motion but vertical component is accelerating. At any point P, at horizontal displacement y
Horizontal velocity (Vx) = ucosθ
Vertical velocity (Vy) is given by
Vy2= (usinθ)2- 2gy
or, Vy2= √(u2sin2θ- 2gy)
Resultant velocity (V) = √(Vx2 + Vy2)
= √(u2 – 2gy)
V = √(u2 – 2gy)
For direction α be the direction of resultant with horizontal,
tanθ = vy/vx = {√(u2sin2θ-2gy)}/{ucosθ}
KE of projectile of mass m is, KE = ½mv2 = ½m(Vx2+ Vy2).
Some important tips :
- In projectile motion acceleration is due to gravity.
- The path of the projectile is called trajectory.
- Nature of trajectory is parabolic.
- Horizontal component of velocity is constant through out the motion.
- If a projectile is projected so that its range obtained is maximum.then maximum height attained by it is th of maximum range.
- If a person can throw maximum horizontal distance R0, then he can throw maximum height R0/2.
- Height is maximum if θ = 90°, Hmax = Rmax.
- At heighest point angle between velocity and acceleration is 90°.
- Velocity is minimum at highest point hence kinetic energy is minimum.
- If a projectile is thrown with speed u at angle θ with horizontal the projectile makes an angle ‘α’ with horizontal then its speed, v = ucosθ.Secα.
- Average velocity during time of ascent (i.e. average velocity when projectile is at highest point).
Vavg = u/2.√( 1 + 3cos2θ)
- Average velocity when projectile strikes to ground,
Vavg.= ucosθ
- Change in speed when projectile is at highest point,
Δ = u(1-cosθ)= 2usin2θ/2
- If two projectile are projected with same speed at different angles then for same speed at different angles then for same range,
i. Sum of angles of projection must be 90°
θ + α = 90°,
ii. Hθ/Hα = tan2θ or cot2α
iii. (tf)θ/(tf)α = tanθ = cotα
iv. R = ½g(tf)θ(tf)α ⇒ R = ½gt1t2:t1t2 ∝ R
v. R = 4√( HθHα) ⇒ R2∝ H1H2
vi. H1+ H2= u2/2g.
Horizontal projection from Height :
For vertical motion
y = ½gt2…………………….(i)
for horizontal motion
t = x/u ……………….(ii)
from equation (i) and (ii),
y = gx2/2u2
y = (g/2u2).x2 is the equation of parabola.
For time of flight :
H = ½gT2
T = √(2h/g)
For horizontal range :
Range (R) = u.T = u√(2h/g)
Some important tips :
When a ball rolled off from top of staircase with horizontal velocity ‘u’ having width ‘b’ and height ‘h’ the ball hits nth step then, n =
- If a man hits the target, he should point his gun in a direction higher than the target.
- If a man fires his gun directly aimed towards monkey at height, at same instant monkey at height, at same instant monkey starts falling then bullet hits the monkey.
- If two bodies are projected horizontally from certain height with different velocities u1 and u2 in opposite direction then
i. Their velocities are perpendicular after time,
ii. Velocities of 1st body and 2nd body when their velocity are perpendicular,v1 =√(u12+ u1u2) and v2 = √(u22+ u1u2)
iii. Their position vectors are perpendicular of after time,
t =
- If a ball is droped from height ‘h’ from the top of an inclined plane of inclination ‘α’, ball elastically collides the it again, strike the inclined plane at a distance.
S = 8hSinα.