
Atomic Structure

The term atom was introduced by Dalton.
· In 1807, John Dalton proposed his famous atomic theory
Dalton’s Atomic Theory :
i. Matter is composed up extremely small particles called atoms.
ii. Atoms are indivisible. They can neither be created nor be destroyed.
iii. Atoms of the same element are alike in properties.
iv. Atoms combine in small whole numbers to form compound atoms.
Discovery of Subatomic Particles :
· J.J. Thomas (1897) concluded that cathode rays consist of a stream of fast moving negatively charged particles called electrons. He also determined the velocity of the electron and their charge-mass (e/m) ratio using different gases, and found the value 1.75875 × 1011CKg-1.
· In 1909 Millikan determined the charge and mass of the electron by using his famous oil drop technique and found the values 1.60206 × 10-19C and 9.1091 × 10-11Kg respectively.
· Goldstein (1886) used perforated cathode in the discharge tube and observed the emission of anode rays, which consist of positively charged particles known as protons. The charge and mass of the proton are found the values 1.6 × 10-19C and 1.672 × 10-27Kg respectively.
· In 1932, Chadwick discovered neutron, a neutral particle by the bombardment of α-particles on beryllium or boron.
J.J. Thomson’s Model :
According to this model, atom is compared with watermelon. Seeds are analogous to electrons and the edible part is the positive electrically.
Drawbacks of Watermelon model :
i. It cannot explain the stability of atom.
ii. Hydrogen spectra could not be explained.
Rutherford’s Experiment (Model) :
In 1911, Rutherford concluded that when α-particles struck on thin (4 × 10-5cm thick) sheet of gold :
-Most of the α-particle continued their straight path => Most part of atom is empty.
- Some α-particle deviated => The positive charge body of the atom is concentrated only at the centre of the atom called neucleus.
- Some α-particle (very few) bounced back => The positively charged mass is occupying a very small space.
The net outcome of Rutherford’s model gave the idea about nucleus (diameter 10-15m). He is the discoverer of nucleus. Hence the model is also known as nuclear model.
- We know that, nucleus has a diameter of the order of 10-15m while the atom has a diameter of the order of 10-10m.
Drawbacks of Rutherford’s model :
-Stability of atom couldn’t be explained. According to classical electrodynamics, accelerating particle emits radiation continuously. Therefore the revolving electron must loose energy continuously and the electron will steadily drift towards the nucleus and ultimately will fall into the nucleus collapsing the atom.
-Hydrogen Spectra couldn’t be explained.
=The atomic number is a fundamental property of the element and equal to number of protons in the nucleus i.e. equal to unit positive on the nucleus.
=The sum of the number of proton (Z) and neutrons (N) in a called the mass number (A) of the atom or A = N + Z. Hence proton, neutron and electron are the fundamental particles of an atom.
Bohr’s Model of Atom :
This theory, proposed by Neil Bohr, is based on both classical and quantum theory of planck. The important postulates of this model are:
i. The first postulate give the idea about circular orbits. An electron can revolve only in those orbits whose angular momentum (mvr) is an integral multiple of h/2π. i.e., mvr = nh/2π.
Where, m = mass of electron, v = velocity of electron, r = radius of orbit, h = Planck’s constant and n = number of orbit in which electron is present.
ii. So long as the electrons revolve in particular orbit, it neither gains nor looses energy. So the circular orbit is also known as stationary orbit or energy level.
iii. When electron jumps from one orbit to another, the difference in energy is emitted as radiation given by ΔE = E2 – E1= hv.
When electron jumps from lower energy level, it gains energy but loses when vice-versa.
Advantages of Bohr’s model :
Bohr’s theory satisfactorily explains the spectra of species having one electron, viz hydrogen atom, He+,Le2+ etc. Further his postulates can also be used for calculating :
i. Radii of various orbits of hydrogen atom like species, r =
= 0.529 × n2
where, 0.529 is the radius of the first orbit of hydrogen atom.
ii. The velocity of electron in an orbit , v =
The velocity of electron in the first orbit (i.e. when n = 1), also known as Bohr’s velocity is,
V1 = 2.19 × 108 cms-1
Which is 1/138 of velocity of light.
i.e. Vn = c/138n
iii. Energy of electron in different orbits En =
-2π2mz2e4 = -13.6 ev
n2h2 n2
- Energy of an electron is directly proportional to the square of n. i.e. En ∝ n2.
- Although the energy of an electron increases with increase in the value of n (orbit), yet the difference of energy between successive orbits decreases.
Thus, E2 – E1 > E3 – E2 > E4 – E3 etc.
iv. It could also explain the hydrogen spectra with following spectral lines :
a. Lyman series :
Lies in U-V region, Line appears in the atomic spectrum due to drops of electrons from higher energy levels to the lowest energy level (n1 = 1)
b. Balmer series :
Lies in visible region, Lines appear due to drop of electrons from energy levels 3, 4, 5, 6, .................. etc. to the energy level 2 (n1 = 2).
c. Similarly, the Paschen, Brakett and Pfund series :
Correspond to drop of electrons from higher energy levels 3, 4 and 5 respectively. These series lie in infrared region.
Limitations of Bohr’s model :
i. It does not explain the spectra of atoms having more than one electron.
ii. Bohr’s theory could not explain this multiple or fine structure of spectral lines.
iii. It does not explain the splitting of spectral lines into a group of finer lines under the influence of magnetic field (Zeeman’s effect) and electric field (Stark’s effect).
iv. This model could not obey de-Broglies hypothesis and Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle.
Bohr Sommerfield’s model :
In order to explain the fine spectrum sommerfield modified Bohr’s model and gave few postulates :
i. The path of electron is elliptical, circular path is the special case of elliptical path.
ii. Orbit is composed of sub – orbits ,
Number of sub orbits = orbit number.
De-Broglie’s Equation :
the momentum of a particle in motion is inversly proportional to the wavelength of the waves associated with it”.
i.e. λ ∝ (1/mv) ∴ λ = (h/mv)
thus the de broglie’s equation points out that every thing in nature posses the properties of particles as well as waves.
Heisenberg Uncertainity Principle :
It is impossible to determine simultaneously the position and momentum of microscopic particles with absolute certainity.” Mathematically,
Δx.Δp ≥ h/2π
Where, Δx = uncertainity in position, Δp = uncertainity in momentum.
Quantum Numbers :
The “state” of an electron in an atom is completely defined by a set of four numbers.
Here state refers to position, energy and orientation of electrons.
Four Quantum numbers are :
1. Principal Quantum numbers (n) :
It gives the idea about principal energy level to which electron belongs and the average distance between the electrons and nucleus higher the principal quantum number, greater is its size and also higher is its energy.
Though theoretically its value ranges from 1 to ∞ , only 1 to 7 are known, beyond 7, attraction between electron and nucleus is very small that atoms get ionized. They are distignated either as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 or K, L, M, N, O, P and Q respectively.
The maximum number of electrons in n principal quantum number is given by 2n2.
2. Azimuthal Quantum numbers (l) :
This number denotes the sub-shell to which the electron belongs and determines the shapes of the orbital and the energy associated with the angular momentum of the electron. For a given value of principal quantum number n, the azimuthal quantum number (l) may have all integral values from 0 to (n-1) each representing different sub-shell, denoted by s (sharp), p (principal), d (diffused) and f (fundamental).
Symbol of sub-shell :
Value of l

3. Magnetic Quanum numbers (m) :
4. Spin Quantum numbers (s) :