

The word, which tells the name of person, place or thing, is called a Noun. The examples of nouns are: Albert, Tom, Monika, George, Johnson, London, Singapore, Paris, Hongkong, Japan, Pen, Chair, Calculator, etc.
Kinds of Nouns:
The nouns can be grouped under the following two heads :
1. Countable Nouns
2. Uncountable Nouns
Countable Nouns:
A noun that can be counted is called Countable Noun. Such a noun may or may not start with a capital letter. The examples of countable nouns are: bicycle, orange, book, dog, man, etc. The countable nouns are generally preceded by an adjective e.g., a, an, the, some, any, one, two, three, etc.
Uncountable Nouns:
A noun that cannot be counted is called Uncountable Noun. Such a noun may not start with a capital letter. It is not used in plural number. The examples of uncountable nouns are: water, oil, rice, milk, blood, etc.
Difference between Countable Nouns and Uncountable Nouns :
The following table shows the difference between Countable Nouns and Uncountable Nouns.
Basis of difference
Countable Nouns
Uncountable Nouns
There is a plural form.
There is no plural form.
Use of Article
The indifinite Article A/An is used before singular Countable Nouns.
The indifinite Article A/An is not used before singular Uncountable Nouns.
Use of Numerals
Numerals like one, two, three, etc. are used before it.
Numerals like one, two, three, etc. are not used before it.

Nouns Used Both As Countable And Uncountable:
There are some words which are used both as Countable and Uncountable Nouns. The examples of such nouns are: agony, beauty, desire, land, work, etc.
Eg. Work :
He is busy with his work.
In this sentence, the word ‘work’ has been used as ‘Countable Noun’.
He started worked as a security guard.
In this sentence, the word ‘worked’ has been used as ‘Uncountable Noun’.
Use of Nouns:
The used of nouns can be studied under the following three heades :
1.        Nouns used only in Singular Form.
2.      Nouns used only in Plural Form.
3.     Nouns used both as Singular Form and Plural in the same Form
Nouns Used Only In Singular Form
Some nouns are used only in singular form. The examples of such nouns are: scenery, information, furniture, advise, machinery, stationery, news, poetry, busines, mischief, fuel, issue, repair, bedding, physics, mathematics, economics, classics, ethics, athletics, tnnings, gallows, brick, bread, fruit, word(as ‘promise’), a ten-rupee note, a two-hour journey, a four-mile walk, a five-year plan, a six-man committee and some words like dozen, some, hundred, thousand, million when preceded by a numeral like five dozen, two hundreds, three thousand and eight million etc. Eg.
1.        I have received no information so far.
In this sentence, the word ‘information’ has been used in Singular Form.
2.      They have a lot of antique furniture.
In this sentence, the word ‘furniture’ has been used in Singular Form.
3.     She gave me a very good advice.
In this sentence, the word ‘advice’ has been used in Singular Form.
Nouns Used Only In Plural Form
Some nouns are used only in plural form. The examples of such noun are: cattle, police, scissors, trousers, stockings, spectacles, shorts, alms, remains, riches, goods, measles etc. Eg.
1.       Cattle are grazing in the field.
In this sentence, the word ‘cattle’ has been used is plural Form.
2.    The police are investigating the matter.
In this sentence, the word ‘police’ has been used in plural Form.
3.     Our artillery have latest technology.
In this sentence, the word ‘artillery’ has been used in Plural Form.
Nouns Used Both As Singular And Plural In The Same Form
Some nouns are used both as Singular and Plural in the same form. The examples of such nouns are: audience, fish, government, sheep, wages, etc. Examples,
1.       Audience
An audience of millions watched the wedding on TV.

In this sentence, the word ‘audience’ has been used as Singular Noun.
2.    Fish
He caught a fish from the pond.
In this sentence, the word ‘fish’ has been used as Singular Noun.
Several large fish live in the river.
In this sentence, the word ‘fish’ has been used as plural.
3.     Government
The government is a group of people who controls a country.
In this sentence, the word ‘government’ has been used as Singular Noun.
The government are expected to announce their tax proposal today.
In this sentence, the word ‘government’ has been used as Plural Noun.